Friday, June 13, 2008

all liquid....phew

i woke up early and plotted my strategy, which basically was all about selling everything. only question was prices.

i sold NUE at open for a small profit, although it spiked higher by $1. that was on news on STLD, which i missed. i sold BNI at a pretty fair price. I sold DRYS at a fair price. AAPL spooked me at the open when it dipped like mad. i sold it when it stabilized but not near the best prices of the day.

in the afternoon i slept to give the rally some time to form.

late in the day i shorted GS. not the best move, given that the weekend will eat some premium, but it flew so high that i felt some action was necessary. also, by mistake i bought July puts, so i will be lucky to break even on Monday.

it's fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy........

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