Monday, June 1, 2009

slow day

due to a bad habit i spent most of the morning chasing dreams in my bed. justifiably, i was a little eager to get back to trading, especially as today was my smush YM, in the ass, day. okay, i only put "in the ass" because...well...YM treated me that way on friday. sob, yes i was treated oh so badly, so vilely....okay my first trade i short the YM and within minutes i see it's a bad trade, but my brain's still doozy and i watch it run up and then sit there marvelling at my stupidity. well i watched tv in between. animal planet rocks. anyway i was able to collapse for a minor loss and after that, just from watching the tape, i had got my rhythm back.

the easy money was in the morning runup. well, easy...if your watching the damn chart in the afternoon. hahaha..ha. day trading humor.

well, i reversed and went long. made up my loss and some extra cash. GS was very weak. i think this rally may have a dip tomorrow morning. went short NUE, was gonna double down, but then realized this was a strong commodity instead shorted IBM. large speculative position in IBM, but fairly confident it's runup is bogus. weakness at close confirmed, but tomorrow's another day.

had a mango. nectar of gods.

YM4SLD8700.0JUN09 Futures YM JUN 0913:20:3420090601ECBOT8.52
YM4BOT8710.0JUN09 Futures YM JUN 0914:53:4520090601ECBOT8.52
YM4BOT8700.0JUN09 Futures YM JUN 0915:12:4720090601ECBOT8.52
YM4SLD8720.0JUN09 Futures YM JUN 0915:29:4020090601ECBOT8.52
NUE10BOT8.20JUN09 55.0 PUT Option NUERK15:34:5720090601PSE7.00
IBM20BOT3.10JUN09 110.0 PUT Option IBMRB15:42:0120090601PSE14.00

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